Supporting Neutropenia Research

To find

a cure

Our Mission

”"Raise awareness in the area of Neutropenia and funds to put towards research for Neutropenia and Childhood Bone Marrow Failure Disorders; to one day find a cure and make a difference."”

The Ella Jewell Foundation was established in honor or Ella Jewell who was born on September 2, 2009 and shortly after diagnosed with Severe Congenital Neutropenia. Ella’s family is determined to raise awareness in the area of Neutropenia and funds for research. We want families to have the proper resources and options for treatment. Our mission is to make a difference and help fund this much needed research.

The Ella Jewell Foundation was formed in 2010 and as of December 2012, over $100,000 dollars has been raised and donated to the Severe Chronic Neutropenia International Registry. Moving towards a cure and making a difference!!!

Foundation Leadership

President: Kristin McGuinness

Vice President: Robert McGuinness

Secretary: Andrea Boyle

Secretary: Julie Byrne

Treasurer: Cheryl Genovese

Committee Members:

Jinny Garton
Alyssa Genovese
Anthony Genovese
Bridget Genovese
John Lambrosa
Susan Lambrosa
Gretchen Long
Bob McGuinness
Debbie McGuinness
John McGuinness
Brittany Mothershead
Victoria Taylor
